Identifying and Attracting Ideal Clients
For me, in identifying and attracting ideal clients, I need people who have the motivation, who have the desire, who have the discipline, and just the willingness to move forward.
For me, in identifying and attracting ideal clients, I need people who have the motivation, who have the desire, who have the discipline, and just the willingness to move forward.
When we think about prospects who can't or won't say no, and we think about people who tend not to respond to us, prospects who don't reply back after they've
When dealing with unresponsive clients and prospects, we have to make sure that we're doing everything on our end to be as responsive as possible. If somebody takes a week
Knowing vs. Doing in sales is all about implementation. Implementation connects the knowledge you have to the results that you're going to get. And without that key element being implemented
A lot of people just think broadly in terms of expanding their market, without asking themselves a really important question, which is why? Why do you need to expand your
When you're able to deliver what you say you're going to deliver, that will start to motivate buyers to want to do business with you. And particularly for repeat orders.
I mean, you have a podcast called Building Trust in Sales, you say, "yeah, be trustworthy." That's pretty obvious. But it's also necessary. It's necessary to be that, and to
What do we want the overall customer experience to be like? How do we want this person to be welcomed if they happen to walk into our business? Because we
Over the years, I have met some exceptional performers who still struggle to get enough customers. It's not a function of who they are as people. It's also not a reflection
Everybody has to make those determinations about their business when making sales and building brands. How am I going to do it? Is it going to be about me? Is