What does your ideal sales day look like? What time does it start? What do you do first? Who do you talk to? How many people are you reaching? How many by phone? How many face-to-face?
We each have our own opinion of what constitutes an “ideal day.” We also know that ideal days are not nearly as common as average ones. But our goal remains the same: to take the actions necessary to create as many ideal days as possible.
Map Out Your Own ‘Ideal Sales Day’ and Commit to It: Remain Focused Despite Distractions that May Try to Arise
This week, I’d like to challenge you to map out your own “ideal sales day.”
What’s the first thing you would do on such a day? Then what would you do? What would you do next?
If you create an hour-by-hour breakdown of your ideal sales day and then commit to doing it — taking the appropriate actions at the designated times — you will be well on your way to making it happen.
Naturally things may pop up and derail you. That’s okay. Take care of them and then jump right back onto your ideal day schedule. It’s a very simple-sounding recommendation, but if you follow it, it will do wonders for your focus and your bottom line results.
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